Monday, October 11, 2010

Nightmare sleep zombie!

GRR! ARG! Sleeeeeeeeep.
I had a super good day off on Sunday. It was a nice break from the stand, and a good chance to kick it with some friends that I haven’t seen in forever. Friends are the best thing you can have, especially best friends!
So Sunday: A + You did a great job!
Sunday night: you need to see me after class. (Because of your awfulness!)
When I got back to my apartment, something strange must have been going on with the heat, because it was freeeezing. I blasted the heat (I even started a batch of cupcakes for additional warmth…Okay, I’m not going to lie, I also wanted cupcakes…not that they turned out, but anyway…) but couldn’t get the apartment to a reasonable temperature because the power wouldn’t stop flickering off and on. I tried to call the building manager, but my phone was being suuuuper weird. It would just make static buzzing noises whatever I did anything.
So I just decided to deal with the cold for the night and to try to get to sleep because I’ve got a crazy week coming up. But, since a story about me sleeping through the night isn’t very interesting…you can guess that that is not what happened.
I got what felt like about ten minutes of sleep. When the apartment wasn’t busy being strangely noisy, or stupidly frigid, I had the worst nightmares I’ve ever had. I swear the second I closed my eyes – BANG I’d be right in the middle of the worst dream ever. The creepy part was that it was the same dream each time. I’m standing near the shore of a dark cold lake – I can see these weird white shapes under the surface of the lake and I know I don’t want to go anywhere near them. That’s when the shore starts to crumble into the water, and I try so hard to make it back to land, but I know I’m not going to make it – and this part where the shore is crumbling away seems to last forever.
Ugh. It was the worst. Sorry, I shouldn’t be talking about my weird nightmares here, but I’m so exhausted and brain-dead from getting no sleep. I promise a less weird post tomorrow after I (hopefully) get some sleep and general cheering up.


  1. Yumi,
    Did you ever find out what the problem was with your electricity? That is reaaly freaky. I'm glad I don't have nightmares like that. :(

  2. Whoa. Creeeeepy! Maybe you have a ghost at your apartment...(o.e)

  3. I still don't know what the problem was - I should talk to my building manager I guess. I am NOT looking forward to tonight. Maybe I'll go spend the night at a friend's houes.

  4. It sounds as though you have a ghost in your place. The cold, the electicity and the phone...hmm sounds like a ghost to me.

  5. @John Gray - Can't you just leave me and my family alone! It's not a ghost okay - it was just some weird dreams and my apartment was being weird. That's it!

  6. Could you stay at the ryocan?

  7. @sofia - I don't think so. But you are right, it was pretty creepy. I've been trying to not think about it. I'm trying to think of coming up with a new dessert that's 100% Kyoto - like Fuji cake...but it has to be about Kyoto and it has to be super tasty!

  8. "Could you stay at the ryocan?" I could - but I'm not sure if that's such a good idea right now.

  9. Wow. It does sound like you have a ghost! Maybe that's what gave you the weird dreams. And I would love to eat your cake!

  10. Did you talk to your building manager yet? Do you know what the problem was?

  11. Sorry, but it doesn't sound like a ghost, or maybe somebody attempting to make you think there's a ghost in your apartment? Has anything else happened that's strange? Have you even had that dream again, before now? Have you been reading scary stories!?

    I would suggest staying at a friend's house...

  12. Yumi Deartest,
    I am sorry that your apartment is acting naughty, but i am even more sorry that your cupcakes got ruined!!!! maybe whataever was in the ryonoke decided that it wanted to live with you instead! it may have some seperation problems, so take the breakup slow, ok? or the thing might throw a tantrum!
    Your friend,
    A person

  13. I mean does...

    Sorry, but it does sound like a ghost, or maybe somebody attempting to make you think there's a ghost in your apartment? Has anything else happened that's strange? Have you even had that dream again, before now? Have you been reading scary stories!?

    I would suggest staying at a friend's house...

  14. May be it was dumb luck that it happened, I mean it could have been as simple as eating candy or something that did not agree with you. I would try putting on something like classical music before you go to bed. And with all those thoughts on ghost hunters in a previous post, I'm not shocked you dreamed of them.

  15. @Redwall - You leave candy out of this! ^_^ You know, that might not be a bad idea, a little fancy people music, ugh then I might have nightmares about my old cello teacher. (she was the meanest person to ever own a piano.)

  16. Ok, Let's piece this together. Not too long ago I read another blog about Rentaro "fixing" the problems with your apartment. If I'm correct, I think you said something about air conditioning. That's a logical explanation for the air being so cold even tho you turned it up full blast. Rentaro could have interfered with the phone cords (if it's wired,) and maybe tweaked with the generator and switched it on and off. Also, Rentaro was the only one at the apartment ALONE, so I think it was Rentaro. But why would he be doing this? Quite strange.

  17. TESTING do these comments really work

  18. Oh noes it's Kasumi! It's a yurei!
    Go over to the ryokan and have a talk with that rentaro dude.

  19. " Anonymous said...
    Ok, Let's piece this together. Not too long ago I read another blog about Rentaro "fixing" the problems with your apartment"

    Good therory, but Rentaro's post came after this post, unless he was there first and Yumi just didn't feel like mentioning it.
